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Club Safeguarding Policy 2024
BRFC Policies 1 of 4

1. Club Safeguarding Policy 2024


September 2024

1. Billericay Rugby Football Club acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children involved in Billericay RFC from harm.

2. Billericay RFC confirms that it adheres to the Rugby Football Union’s Safeguarding Policy and the procedures, practices and guidelines and endorse and adopt the Policy Statement contained in that document and any successor policy.

3. A child is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any rugby union activity. However, where a 17year old male player is playing in the adult game it is essential that every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure his safety and wellbeing are protected. There are RFU laws and regulations that must be followed before any U 18 year plays or trains with senior teams. Please see the RFU website for further information about this process.

4. The Key Principles of the RFU Safeguarding Policy are that:

  • The welfare of the child is, and must always be, paramount to any other considerations.
  • All participants regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse or harm.
  • All allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately.
  • Working in partnership with other organisations, statutory agencies, parents, carers, children and young people is essential for the welfare of children.
  • Children have a right to expect support, and personal and social development delivered by an appropriately recruited, vetted and managed in relation to their participation in rugby union, whether they are playing, volunteering or officiating in the community or professional areas of the sport.
  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility
  • All volunteers are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned.

5. Billericay RFC recognises that all children have the right to participate in sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice. Billericay RFC recognises that this is the responsibility of everyone involved, in whatever capacity, at the club.

6. Billericay RFC will implement and comply with the RFU Code of Conduct and the Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Spectators and Officials as appropriate.

7. The Club Safeguarding Officers are Rachel Byrne and Emma Cooke, If you witness or are aware of an incident where the welfare of a child has been put at risk you must, in the first instance, inform the Club Safeguarding Officer. They will then inform the CB Safeguarding Manager and the RFU Safeguarding Team. If an incident involves the Club Safeguarding Officer you should inform the Club Chairman and either the CB Safeguarding Manager or the RFU Safeguarding Team.

8. All members of Billericay RFC who work with children in Regulated Activity must undertake an RFU Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check in accordance with RFU Regulation 21.

9. Billericay RFC will ensure that all its members, whether they are coaches, parents, players or officials will comply with the Best Practice Guidance as issued by the RFU. In summary, the following are NOT acceptable and will be treated seriously by the club and may result in disciplinary action being taken by the club, the CB or the RFU:

  • Working alone with a child.
  • Consuming alcohol whilst responsible for children.
  • Providing alcohol to children or allowing its supply.
  • Smoking in the presence of children.
  • Humiliating children.
  • Inappropriate or unnecessary physical/electronic contact with a child.
  • Participating in, or allowing, contact or physical games with children.
  • Having an intimate or sexual relationship with any child developed as a result of being in a ‘position of trust.’
  • Making sexually explicit comments or sharing sexually explicit material.

10. Billericay RFC manages the changing facilities and arranges for them to be supervised by two DBS checked adults of the appropriate gender for the players using the facilities. Billericay RFC ensures that all its coaches, parents, officials and spectators are aware that adults must not change at the same time, using the same facilities as players.

11. Billericay RFC will ensure that its coaches and Team Managers will receive the support and training considered appropriate to their position and role. Specific and targeted support will be given where appropriate in “Managing Challenging Behaviour”.

12. Any events held on Billericay RFC premises must comply with this Policy and if appropriate a Safeguarding Plan should be discussed and circulated to those affected. Any tours, overseas or domestic, undertaken by Billericay RFC must comply with the relevant RFU Regulations and Guidance relating to tours.

13. BRFC has the sole use of Willowbrook premises from 1st October to 30th April, with the BRFC safeguarding policy and arrangements in place; St John’s Billericay Cricket Club ( has primary use from 1st May to 31st August.

14. In September, whilst youth and mini training and matches are underway, changing rooms are for the exclusive use of BRFC the only shared spaces are on the pitch, in the cabin and the toilets.

15. BRFC works closely with parents/carers and professionals to ensure that they are aware and advised about specific strategies when working with children who may have specific additional or special needs, including a disability. When required, additional safeguarding plans will be agreed and shared with relevant adults.

16. BRFC is an inclusive club, where all players are welcome and have the right to feel safe and included. Adults will be alert to any signs of abuse, including peer-on-peer, which is most likely to include:

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying)
  • Gender based harassment
  • Racism and other forms of discrimination
  • Homophobic behaviours
  • Physical abuse

17. Volunteers at BRFC will challenge any form of derogatory and sexualised language or behaviour and will follow the Safeguarding and Discipline procedures.

18. When recruiting volunteers BRFC follow safer recruitment policies and best practice, including (but not exclusively): use of application forms; references for new recruits who are not known to the club; completion of the online safeguarding awareness course and successful completion of the DBS application.

19. Every parent/carer has the option to decline permission for the taking and/or publication of images/videos of their child when registering their child. Any publication must be done in such a way that players cannot be identifiable by a stranger, and do not contain personal details such as home address or school. The focus should be on the rugby activity and not any particular individual. Where a parent/carer has advised that their child is not to have their photograph taken, BRFC team managers are made and inform all stakeholders (including opposition teams and third-party coaches)

20. Players must be suitably attired at all times

21. All team managers and coaches are reminded of the restrictions and protocols surrounding E-safety and any form of electronic communication and that ALL communications must be via parent/carers for ALL junior players including any U18s playing up in the adult game. Failure to comply with this protocol will result in a Disciplinary investigation.

22. Billericay Bees does not permit social media chat amongst the Junior team players.

23. When age grade matches are being recorded please refer to the VEO policy it is paramount that that clubs should ensure they obtain parental consent for photographs to be taken while a child is either at the club or at away fixtures before any filming occurs.
Reviewed on: 18th August 2024 by Rachel Byrne and Emma Cooke Next Review date: August 2025
Signed ........................................ Date ...........................................


Checklists to support processes

DBS Checks and Recruitment:

  • Have all coaches/managers/assistant coaches/team managers/first aid/physios/parent helpers have an RFU DBS?
  • For clubs seeking 17-year-old approval into the adult game where all those who will reasonably be expected to have regular contact with a 17-year-old approved to play adult rugby have been RFU DBS checked?
  • Are current DBS guidelines followed by ALL ID verifiers within the club?
  • Are you aware of the RFU’s DBS Case Management process for all DBS Disclosure results containing information?
  • Is your Children’s Workforce List up-to-date?
  • Does your club provide a job role/job description to potential volunteers within children’s workforce?
  • Do you have enough DBS checked coaches for the number of children?
  • Are your team roles up to date on GMS?
  • Do you have any problems using the e-DBS application system?
  • Is your volunteer recruitment process defined and communicated to all age groups?
  • Do you use the Volunteer Recruitment form?
  • How do you ensure continuing safe practices once a volunteer has completed their DBS check?

Tour checklist:

  • Did you obtain the appropriate permissions prior to travel?
  • This needs to be from safeguarding, the club hon sec and the CB
  • Did the club appoint a Tour Manager?
  • Was that manager RFU DBS checked?
  • Was the RFU Touring with Children document used?
  • Did all players fill in a tour permission form?
  • Were risk assessments completed?
  • Was the tour checklist completed and signed by the CSO?


  • Have you held a Play It Safe course at your club? (Number of courses held and dates)
  • Have all your coaches/team managers attended such a course?
  • Do you require all volunteers involved with children at the club to be trained in safeguarding? (RFU Play it Safe course)
  • Are all your coaches suitably qualified?
  • Have senior club officials undertaken RFU training to ensure that they are aware of their statutory responsibilities in regards to safeguarding? (RFU Safeguarding Policy and attend Play it Safe course)
  • Do you review coaches training qualifications regularly?
  • Do you keep records of all training and qualifications obtained by volunteers in order to track gaps and areas of improvement?

Age Grade Dispensations:

  • Are the Age Grade dispensation requirements understood?
  • Do you keep clear, signed records of any dispensations
  • made by the club in accordance with regulation 15?
  • Are assessments made by an appropriately qualified coach
  • for player’s playing out of age grade?

The use of VEO:

  • Has the separate VEO policy been read and understood?
  • Does your team have any players that do not have consent for them to be photographed or filmed?
  • Has permission been sought from both teams for the match to be filmed?
  • Once footage has been obtained it is assigned to the Clubs VEO Administrator and privacy settings are set as private.
  • Footage can not be shared or stored for longer than necessary

RFU Tour Guidance and Policy Support:

RFU Safeguarding:

RFU Regulation 21:

RFU Regulation 15 – Age Grade Rugby:

As stated on RFU website 18/08/24